Tl;dr (too long, didn’t read)
We are moving to the USA for two to three years. We had the idea to start posting about our adventures, such that others may take part in what we are doing, providing another way to stay in touch.
The reasoning on why to relocate to the U.S. is, that we both would like to visit the country and that we both were offered great positions to pursue our careers – and this coincides with our personal goals to reduce our CO2 footprint to a minimum (please remember this CO2 footprint statement for the future: spoiler alert: that will most likely not work out…)
We had to pack our stuff and decide upon what to keep, what to give away and what to leave in Switzerland (Seraina: Bye bye beloved plants…).
We do not yet have an appartment, this is planned to happen only when we arrive in Minneapolis.
Why the U.S.?
“Let me guess, its because it is the land of opportunity, that must be it.”
A not really creative assumption of an individual.
“It’s all about the money.”
Someone thinking why he would do it.
“You like big trucks.”
Person who secretly would love to drive one himself.
Nah, not really. Actually, the reasoning, as well as the decision to actually relocate were taken very fast. Three main reasons to travel there:
- Our (offered or created) positions are very fitting. My (Jerome) background is the industry 4.0 and internet of things applications, and I will be able to continue working on these topics. Also, I will change over to sales – a completely new territory for me. This coincides with my belief, that change is very important in all of our lives.
- For Seraina, she was able to secure a grant from the Swiss national foundation, and she will be able to work for the university of Minnesota. The university is located in St. Paul, a 30mins drive away from Bühler Headquarters in the U.S.
- The country (with its vastness) and its nature is mind-boggling. For a long time, both of us have wanted to travel the country. This is the best chance (yet) to pursue that dream. This also due to the fact that we both believe that reducing CO2 is a necessity and, so far, have reduced our flight time to a minimum, resulting in a minimum of travel outside of Europe.
While the idea has been around quite some time, the actual decision was taken in just two weeks. The contract(s) are both for two to three years.
Why this blog? Well, for starters, we believe that this is a great opportunity for everyone who is not directly in touch with us to keep up to date on what we are doing. The asynchronous way blogs are used is very advantageous for this matter. Also, it will serve us as a great way of memorizing what has happened during that time of our life, which for sure we will enjoy.
We also had to realize that we tend to tell every story ten times, which is getting quite cumbersome ;-).
Packing, packing, packing…
We had to pack all of our stuff. We had to reduce all we own to a point where it fitted into:
- A 20 foot sea container
- One (or two) suitcases per person, some people use one complete suitcase just for olive oil :-).
- 6m2 inside a Bühler warehouse
First, we thought that this space will never suffice. After packing, we can tell you that it actually does, easily. We filled our container only half way, keep in mind also that the container is only half the size of a standard see container…
The process of cleaning up paperwork, getting rid of things you never actually use, is an incredibly freeing one. It gives you focus on what is important and what is not. But, of course, this means a lot of work. Both of us have been on and off packing, cleaning, etc. for the three months before the container arrived. Beginning of April, the container arrived where we then packed all that goes to the U.S.. From beginning of April, we were living out of two (one, see olive oil) suitcases each for at least two months.
Other preparations…
It might astonish you that we do not have a new home yet overseas. This will be task one on arrival. Also, all bureaucracy related tasks will only start when we arrive at our destination. This on one hand means less work right now, however is at the same time a bit unsettling. We are currently in the process of getting both our visa ready (Update: Jerome has his visa). Also, our “See you soon” farewell event needed final organizational touches, taking place end of March.
Closing words
So sadly, lots to do and little to tell and show. Be ready to read further news in the upcomming months (hopefully). If you are interested in this blog, reach out (via comment or personally) and tell us what you think about it, what you would like to read about!
I love your blog and will gladly read every post. It told me a lot I didn’t know yet! I’m looking forward to hearing from you two.
Lots of love xxx